Complete Care Chiropractic Clinic
Chiro 4 Critters LLC
Dr. Michelle R. Jermier
3235 N. 124th Street Brookfield, WI 53005 (262) 781-6131
Did you know that chiropractic dates back to the time of Hippocrates?
He believed that if the spine was misaligned, it greatly contributed to the
health of an individual.
The modern day school of chiropractic dates back to 1895, when Dr. Daniel Palmer
adjusted a man that had lost his hearing 17 years prior. The story goes that prior to
losing his hearing the man had heard something pop in his back. Upon the adjustment
of the man's misaligned vertebrae his hearing greatly improved.
While the medical community criticized this new technique for healing the body,
the people who followed in these footsteps found an amazing new way of dealing
with illness and disease. Dr. Palmer's theories are still discussed in the chiropractic
industry today. Without this man's input into medicine in a time where he was greatly discredited, the millions of people today who enjoy the life changing benefits may never have had this opportunity. There is still a school named after Dr. Daniel Palmer as well as over 20 schools and thousands of chiropractic students across the country.